
South Korea and China held a meeting to update and expand the scope of their bilateral free trade agreement (FTA), which took effect around five years ago.
The EU-India virtual summit took place last month with three ’elephants in the room’. The largest elephant was China. Both India and the EU have traditionally followed policies of cooperation with China, but ties have plumbed new depths during the pandemic.
The government is reviewing the continuation of the of the free trade agreement (FTA) with Asean n the wake of the trading bloc’s reluctance to address India’s concerns over what it believes are asymmetries in the decade-old treaty.
Thai House of Representatives Committee investigating potential impacts of CPTPP heard report from its Subcommittee on Agriculture.
Revised Japan-ASEAN trade deal takes effect
A revised free trade pact between Japan and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations facilitating the cross-border flow of services and investment entered into force on Saturday.